Clara Weber

Curriculum Vitae


Medical Student at Charité Berlin (6th year),
Intern/rotation year through surgery (at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi, May-Sep 2023), internal medicine (Berlin and Davos, Sep-Dec 2023), and neurosurgery (Charité Berlin, Jan-Apr 2024)
previously Lübeck University (1st-5th year)
Medical doctorate candidate in Social Neuroscience Lab about Microstructural and functional connectome correlates of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Scholarship holder of German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Germany's largest and most prestigious scholarship program
Dual enrolment in Medical Informatics (Bachelor's) at Lübeck University for four semesters
Postgraduate research fellow at Yale University School of Medicine - full research stipend by German Academic Exchange Service. Investigation of neurodevelopmental changes and conditions using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Full-time Jan-Nov 2021, ongoing collaboration
Graduate Research Trainee at Montreal Neurological Institute, research stipend (Doctorate stipend for Medical informatics) by University Hospital Schleswig Holstein). Analysis of connectome contractions in autism spectrum disorder using structural and functional neuroimaging. Full-time Nov 21-Feb 2022, ongoing collaboration
Participation in program for best bavarian high school students at Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich - replaced 20% of high school with university courses
Abitur in Maths, Chemistry, German, English, History and Social Sciences at Gymnasium Puchheim in Bavaria, 1.0 / GPA 100%

Awards and Stipends

Travel Stipend by American Society for Functional Neuroradiology for first author presentation and travel to the Annual Conference in Maui, 2022
Young Investigator Award by Fetal, Infant and Toddler Neuroimaging Group for first author presentation, Paris, 2022
Travel Stipend by Rolf Guenther Foundation for Radiological Sciences for Travel to first author presentation at Radiological Society of North America Meeting in Chicago, 2021
Research Stipend by Biomedical Education Programm for nine-months research visit at the Yale School of Medicine
Medical Computer Science Doctorate Stipend by University Hospital Schleswig Holstein for work on my medical doctorate thesis
Scholarship by German Academic Scholarship Foundation
Prize for best chemistry exam of the year

Previous experience

Editor for Data and Statistics, Open Science Coordinator at Berlin Exchange Medicine Germany's first student journal for health and life sciences
Research and Teaching Assistant Jobs including in infectious disease and (neuro-) anatomy, Student Assistant in Luebeck's center for doctoral studies and student member of the commission on doctoral tehses
Jury Member for the German Youth Democracy Award


Charity Runner for Doctors without borders
Member and Local Coordinator of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM)
Elected member of the student council
Member and Mentor for Rock Your Life! Luebeck
Homework assistance for disadvantaged children



Brain Diffusion atlas of the Neonate Brain

Interactive atlas of diffusion-weighted mri derived metrics. I developed this to make outcomes of a study at Yale School of Medicine publicly available - we aimed to provide a normative atlas for diffusivity metrics, which could ultimately lead to better diagnosis of unilateral ischemic hypoxic brain damage in neonates. Published in Human Brain Mapping


Breast Implant Volume Calculator

Application to calculate implant volume based on CT-derived measurements - I developed this website for a team from reconstructive surgery at Yale during Breast Cancer Awareness Month to facilitate breast reconstruction


Platform for MD Students

Networking platform for MD candidates and research group leaders at my university



Application to choose which cat to buy (next)

Publications and Outreach


Weber CF, Lake EMR, Haider SP, Mozayan A, Mukherjee P, Scheinost D, Bamford NS, Ment L, Constable T, Payabvash S. Age-dependent white matter microstructural disintegrity in autism spectrum disorder. Front Neurosci. 2022 Sep 7;16:957018. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.957018. PMID: 36161157; PMCID: PMC9490315.
Kaltenhauser S, Weber CF, Lin H, Mozayan A, Malhotra A, Constable RT, Acosta JN, Falcone GJ, Taylor SN, Ment LR, Sheth KN, Payabvash S. Association of Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference With Imaging Metrics of Brain Integrity and Functional Connectivity in Children Aged 9 to 10 Years in the US, 2016-2018. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 May 1;6(5):e2314193. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.14193. PMID: 37200030; PMCID: PMC10196880.
Bobba PS, Weber CF, Higaki ARA, Mukherjee P, Scheinost D, Constable RT, Ment L, Taylor SN, Payabvash S. Impact of postnatal weight gain on brain white matter maturation in very preterm infants. J Neuroimaging. 2023 Jul 22. doi: 10.1111/jon.13145. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37483073.
Bobba PS, Weber CF, Mak A, Mozayan A, Malhotra A, Sheth KN, Taylor SN, Vossough A, Grant PE, Scheinost D, Constable RT, Ment LR, Payabvash S. Age-related topographic map of magnetic resonance diffusion metrics in neonatal brains. Hum Brain Mapp. 2022 May 23. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25956. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35599634.
Mateja KL, Long AS, Hauc SC, Glahn JZ, Weber CF, Junn AH, Juan HY, Bobba PS, Persing JA, Alperovich M. An Online Calculator for Estimating Breast Implant Volume from Imaging. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2022 Apr 18;10(4):e4273. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000004273. PMID: 35450258; PMCID: PMC9015200.
Several conference talks (first and second author) including at the Radiological Society of North America, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, American Society for Functional Neuroradiology, American Society for Pediatric Neuroradiology, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Imaging


Why We Need Open ScienceEditorial at Berlin Exchange Medicine
Open Research By DefaultPolicy Paper for Berlin University Alliance
Feature in RSNA's press release subsequent dissemination in more than 40 international News Outlets, including BBC Brazil and AuntMinnie
Dossier in the local magazine "Victor Luebeck" about voluntary work